
Characterizing drug use typologies and their association with sexual risk behaviors: A latent class analysis among men who have sex with men in Mexico. Sexuality Research and Social Policy 

Algarin AB, Valenzuela-Lara M, Hernandez-Avila M, Baruch-Dominguez R, Sanchez T, Strathdee SA, Smith LR 

Financial vulnerability and its association with HIV transmission risk behaviors among people who inject drugs in Kyrgyzstan 

Algarin AB, Werb D, Shumskaya N, Kurmanalieva A, Blyum A, Cepeda J, Patterson TL, Baral S, Smith LR 

Applying the Social Ecological Model to Explore HIV-Related Stigma in the Southeastern United States: A Qualitative Study  

Richards VL, Williams R, Stetten NE, Canidate SS, Algarin AB, Fiore A, Cook C, Lucero R, Spencer EC, Cook RL 

A Content Analysis of HIV-related stigmatizing language in the scientific literature, from 2010-2020: Findings and recommendations for editorial policy 

Parisi C, Varas-Diaz E, Algarin AB, Richards V, Wei Li, Cruz-Carillo L, Ibanez GE

The moderating role of resilience in the relationship between experiences of COVID-19-related discrimination and disinformation among people who inject drugs 

Algarin AB, Yeager S, Patterson TL, Strathdee SA, Harvey-Vera A, Vera CF, Stamos-Buesig T, Artamanova I, Abramovitz D, Smith LR 

Patient sexuality disclosure, disclosure experiences and associations with clinical sexual health outcomes among HIV-negative men who have sex with men in Mexico 

Algarin AB, Wiginton JM, Sanchez TH, Hernandez-Avila M, Baruch-Dominguez R, Smith LR 

Awareness, willingness to use PrEP, and use of PEP among men who have sex with men in Mexico.

Algarin AB, Chapin-Bardales J, Baruch-Dominguez R, Smith LR, Hernandez-Avila M, Sanchez T.

Implications and lessons learned while using social media advertisements to promote longitudinal social-network study participation in Latino men who have sex with men.

Algarin AB, Cirilo A§, Pitpitan EV, Gutierrez A, Horvath KJ, Smith LR

Mental health impact of multiple and intersecting sexual and gender minority stressors among LGBTQ young people: a latent class analysis.

Algarin AB, Shrader C, Salerno J, Lee J-Y, Johnson A

Sexual identity development and social ecological facilitators and barriers of PrEP uptake and adherence among Latinx MSM.

Algarin AB, Dillon FR, Westbrook J, Balek G, Sanchez F, Ertl MM, Eklund AC, Ebersole R, Martin J